Princeton Seminary | Ken Miyagi

Ken Miyagi

PhD Student | History & Ecumenics (Religion in the Americas)

Ken Miyagi
History & Ecumenics
[email protected]


Ken Miyagi is a PhD student in the Department of History and Ecumenics, specializing in “Religion in the Americas.” Ken is interested in the history of Asian/Japanese American Christianity from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries, transpacific history, the history of race and religion, and Jonathan Edwards's social ethics.

Ken holds a B.A. in American literature from Keio University, a B.A. in Theology summa cum laude, and M.A in Theology from Tokyo Christian University, and Th.M in History of Christianity from Calvin Theological Seminary.

“Jonathan Edwards’s View of Sympathy as it Relates to His Socio-ethical Perspective.” Jonathan Edwards Studies 11, no. 2 (2021): 100-16.

Educating faithful Christian leaders.

Associate Rector at Trinity Church, Princeton, New Jersey

Nancy Hagner, Class of 2013

“Preaching is one of the most important things we do as pastors. You get to challenge people’s minds and hearts, as the gospel challenges all of us.”