Princeton Seminary | The Uncomfortable Truth

The Uncomfortable Truth: Racism, Injustice, and Poverty

NEW DATE: April 11, 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

A Colloquium on Institutional Racism and Poverty

The Urban Ministry Initiatives at Princeton Theological Seminary invites the Seminary community and our neighbors to a conversation on an Uncomfortable Truth. Structural racism, compounded by the implicit and explicit racism that shapes New Jersey’s culture and institutions, is both a primary cause of poverty in New Jersey and a barrier to implementing solutions. The racism and racially skewed policies that weave through the nation’s and New Jersey’s history require comprehensive responses, in addition to policy changes targeted to specific institutions. Key changes on the state level can provide the impetus and tools to change entrenched patterns of racial and ethnic disparity.

Rev. Sara Lilja, Executive Director of Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry of New Jersey and Chair of the Board, Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey.

Free and open to the public.

Educating faithful Christian leaders.

Environmental steward at St. Paul’s Christian School

Nick Babladelis, Class of 2015

“The faculty and staff at Princeton Seminary took my interests in science and theology and gave them real direction.”