Princeton Seminary | Exploring the Bible (Foundations for Learning)

Exploring the Bible (Foundations for Learning)

Exploring the Bible (Foundations for Learning)
Eric D. Barreto
Publisher: Fortress Press
Published Year: 2016

In Exploring the Bible, preseminarians and other students about to begin training in ministry join scholars Eric D. Barreto and Michael J. Chan on a journey through Scripture. More than simply a practical guide to reading the Bible, this book will help readers claim their unique interpretive perspective. Barreto and Chan invite us to bring our full, authentic selves to a text that will affirm and challenge us, confirm and transform us, delight and concern us. There, God speaks, and we can hear Gods word in a new way.

Educating faithful Christian leaders.

Scholar and Theological Educator

Kathleen M. O’Connor, Class of 1984

“Informal time in discussion groups with faculty and students discussing feminist theological literature altered my views, excited my spirit, and greatly influenced my teaching.”