Princeton Seminary | Nicola Whyte

Nicola Whyte

PhD Candidate | Theology

Nicola Whyte
[email protected]
Church of Scotland/PC (USA)


Nicola Whyte is a PhD Candidate in Systematic Theology. She holds a Master of Arts (Honours) in Divinity from the University of Edinburgh (2011) and a Master of Arts (Theological Studies) in Systematic Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary (2012.) Before returning to Princeton for doctoral study, Nicola worked first as Associate for Christian Education and Pastoral Care in an Edinburgh congregation, and later as Congregational Learning Development Worker for the Church of Scotland. Her dissertation puts Karl Barth’s doctrines of evil, sin, and the lordless powers in conversation with accounts of structural injustice, toward a Reformed account of resistance. Her current research and teaching interests also include feminist theology, political theology, and the doctrines of election and justification.

Educating faithful Christian leaders.

Pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church, Crystal City, Missouri

Joshua Noah, Class of 2015

“Through my field education placement at Trinity Presbyterian Church in East Brunswick, New Jersey, I discovered my gift to minister to all age groups.”