Princeton Seminary | Santo, Santo, Santo | Holy, Holy, Holy (November)

Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy

Friday, November 8 at 7:30 p.m.

martin tel leads the choir and the congregation in singing

A bilingual festival of singing | Un festival de canto bilingüe

Join us for a bilingual (Spanish/English) festival of singing led by María Cornou, Carlos Colón and Martin Tel with the Princeton Seminary Choir, presenting the new hymnal resource Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios/Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God (GIA Publications, 2019). We will sing songs of tears and laughter, psalms of lament and praise, and hymns that tell the story of Jesus and the Christian journey. The act of singing bilingually is an expression of our unity. Come, be inspired. ¡Cantemos! Let’s sing!

Únete a nosotros en un festival de canto bilingüe (español / inglés) dirigido por María Cornou, Carlos Colón y Martin Tel con el Coro del Seminario Princeton, presentando el nuevo himnario Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios/Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God (GIA Publications, 2019). Cantaremos canciones de sufrimiento y de alegría, salmos de lamentación y alabanzas, e himnos sobre la historia de Jesús y el camino cristiano. Cantar en forma bilingüe es una expresión de nuestra unidad. Ven e inspírate. Let’s sing! ¡Cantemos!

Santo composite

Educating faithful Christian leaders.

Associate Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church, Bismarck, ND

Sylvia Bull, Class of 2015

“My field education placements lifted up my gifts for ordained ministry, and the dual-degree program helped me develop the skills for ministry.”